讲座:Intimate partner violence: Individual and societal costs


讲座题目:Intimate partner violence: Individual and societal costs
主讲人:Laura McCloskey 印第安纳大学公共卫生教授
主持人:张力文   浙江大学公共管理学院教授
时间:2019年6月19日(周三) 下午14:00
地点:浙江大学紫金港校区 蒙民伟楼 250室
   Intimate partner violence against women occurs in most countries and societies around the world. Definitions of intimate partner violence include physical, psychological and sexual abuse. The average global lifetime prevalence rate is 23% affecting almost one in four women. Studies of this social problem are fairly recent, and the impact and costs of intimate partner violence have been overlooked. One dimension of intimate partner violence involves husbands' financial control over wives and the interference with women's educational and career development. Violence exerts severe costs to individual women which may include loss of life or permanent disability, long-term psychological problems, and loss of employment or educational opportunity. Society also pays a substantial price for intimate partner violence: In addition to covering the costs for programs, shelters and criminal justice responses, employers and the community lose victims' participation in the labor force and medical costs are 50% higher for abused than non-abused women. Rates of intimate partner violence appear to be higher in countries with a low gender empowerment index (World Bank), indicating gender equality in the society directly influences violence against women.  The protection and development of women's potential is critical to economic development worldwide as seen in multiple studies showing the importance of maternal education to future generations. 
Laura McCloskey,美国印第安纳大学公共卫生教授、印第安纳大学健康差异研究中心创办主任,著名的心理学与公共卫生专家。研究领域包括心理和行为健康方面的不平等、健康方面的性别差异和社会差异等。
张力文教授,现任教于浙大公共管理学院。曾任职联合国纽约总部1985-2013)。是联合国学术理事联盟专家组成员。拥有美国哥伦比亚大学硕士,博士学位。自2005至今任美国西东大学外交与国际关系学院(Seton Hall University, School of Diplomacy and International Relations)客座教授。自2005至今任(欧亚国际经济,商务刊物 )编审委员会成员。